Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket

It first presents the best in slot itemsbefore listing, slot by slot, all the items, with a level higher than 346,that you can acquire in the game. We also explain how you will be competingfor loot with other classes. The other pages of our Protection Paladin guide can be accessedfrom the table of contents on the right.

Best In Slot Trinkets For Prot Paladin

Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinket Classic
Best legendary's for protection paladin? Discussion Just came back recently and was reading up on what legendary's to look out for but everyone seems pretty undecided besides the belt. There are not as many needed macros as there used to be. I have excluded all mouseover, focus target and what other macros as you can just Google them. 13 is the first trinket slot and 14 is the second trinket slot. Adjust accordingly. 'Burst Cast Sequence':Used for Avenging Wrath/Crusade and On Use trinkets. Prot Paladins also have very strong healing abilities and talent choices to help keep themselves and their party alive. Paladins are very good at dealing with Magic and Bleeds. Protection Paladin Weaknesses Active Mitigation has ramp-up, lower health pool, lower physical damage reduction than other tanks. What Makes Protection Paladin Special.
Prot Paladin Best In Slot Trinkets
Head | Hands |
Neck | Waist |
Shoulder | Legs |
Back | Feet |
Chest | Finger 1 |
Finger 2 | |
Trinket 1 | |
Wrist | Trinket 2 |
Mainhand | Offhand |
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