It is the intent of the General Assembly to delegate to counties and municipalities of this State the authority to prohibit or regulate the operation of gambling vessels that are engaged in voyages that depart from the territorial waters of the State, sail into United States or international waters, and return to the territorial waters of the State without an intervening stop, but to exempt from county or municipal regulation passenger cruise liners, as defined in Section 3-11-100 5as contained in SECTION 2 of this act, because passenger cruise liners are vessels principally engaged in destination cruises and are not vessels used primarily for the operation of gambling. Furthermore, passenger cruise liners do not burden the public health or safety of the county or municipality because their voyages are infrequent, their cruises are not principally operated for the purpose of gambling, and their itineraries predominantly involve voyages that include one or more intervening stops. Delegation of power to regulate gambling vessels to counties and municipalities; exception. A Except as provided for in subsection Bthe General Assembly delegates to a county for the unincorporated areas of a county, and to a municipality for the municipality, the authority conferred to this State by the United States Congress pursuant to the Johnson Act, as amended, 15 U. Sections 1171 through 1177. The authority delegated herein includes the power to regulate or prohibit gambling aboard gambling vessels while such vessels are outside the territorial waters of the State, when such vessels embark or disembark passengers within their respective jurisdictions for voyages that depart from the territorial waters of the State, sail into United States or international waters, and return to the territorial waters of the State without an intervening stop. B The General Assembly specifically retains and does not delegate to a county or municipality the authority to regulate or prohibit gambling on passenger cruise liners, as defined in this chapter, which is conferred to this State by the United States Congress pursuant to the Johnson Act, as amended, 15 U. Sections 1171 through 1177. C The authority delegated to a county or municipality under subsection A is delegated pursuant to Chapter 9 of Title 4 and Chapter 7 of Title 5, Code of Laws of South Carolina. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Penalties under ordinances adopted pursuant to Section 3-11-200. A county or municipality adopting an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-200 may assess only a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars per passenger for each casino boats south carolina, with an aggregate total in penalties not to exceed fifty thousand dollars per vessel for a twenty-four hour period. Additionally, a county or municipality may obtain injunctive relief against a person for violation of an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-200. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Grant of casino boats south carolina authority; vessels outside territorial waters of state; passenger cruise liner exception. A The authority delegated to a county or municipality pursuant to this section is granted pursuant to Chapter 9 of Title 4 and Chapter 7 of Title 5 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. This authority is separate from and in addition to the authority granted to a county or municipality pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 through 3-11-210, which authorize exercise of this state's Johnson Act authority pursuant to 15 U. Sections 1171 through 1177, except for passenger cruise liners. B Except as provided for in subsection Cthe General Assembly delegates to a county for the unincorporated areas of a county, and to a municipality for the municipality, the authority to regulate or prohibit gambling aboard gambling vessels while such vessels are outside the territorial waters of the State, when such vessels embark or disembark passengers within their respective jurisdictions for voyages that depart from the territorial waters of the State, sail into United States or international waters, and return to the territorial waters of the State without an intervening stop. C A county or municipality is prohibited from regulating or prohibiting gambling on passenger cruise liners, as defined in this chapter. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Penalties under ordinances adopted pursuant to Section 3-11-300. A county or municipality adopting an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-300 may assess only a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars per passenger for each violation, with an aggregate total in penalties not to casino address kahnawake fifty thousand dollars per gambling vessel for a twenty-four hour period. Additionally, a county or municipality may obtain injunctive relief against a person for violation of an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-300. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Any county or municipal ordinance prohibiting or regulating gambling casino boats south carolina gambling casino boats south carolina pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 or 3-11-300 must not be construed to prohibit or regulate a passenger cruise liner from having gambling devices on board so long as there is no gambling allowed while the passenger cruise liner is within the territorial waters of the State. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Applicability to United States and foreign-flagged vessels; imposition and collection of surcharges on gambling vessel ticket sales; phasing out of gambling business following enactment of prohibiting ordinance. A This chapter does not apply to any gambling activity conducted on United States-flagged or foreign-flagged vessels during travel from a foreign nation or another state or possession of the United States up to the point of first entry into South Carolina waters or during travel to a foreign nation or another state or possession of the United States from the point of departure from South Carolina waters, provided that such vessels make intervening stops as defined in this chapter. Nothing herein precludes prosecution for any other offense that is unlawful. B The provisions of this chapter must not be construed to: cocopah casino entertainment repeal or modify any other provision of law relating to gambling, or any existing county or municipal ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling or gambling vessels; 2 repeal or modify any law with regard to bingo or the operation of a device or casino boats south carolina pursuant to Section 12-21-2720 A 3 ; 3 allow or permit gambling aboard any vessel, gambling vessel, or passenger cruise liner within the territorial waters of the State; 4 preclude prosecution for any other applicable gambling offense under state law; or 5 preclude prosecution for violations of 15 U. Sections 1172, 1173, 1174, or 1175, to the extent not otherwise prohibited by provisions of the South Carolina Constitution. C 1 For purposes of this section, 'gross proceeds' means the total amount wagered or otherwise paid, in cash or credit, by a passenger or user of a gambling device aboard a gambling vessel. The county or municipality is responsible for setting forth the procedures by which the proceeds are paid to the county or the municipality. The report must be delivered to the Department of Revenue on the twentieth day of the month for the preceding month, in a form and format determined by the department. If no gambling devices are used, the gambling vessel must report to the department that no gambling devices were used. The department must perform an annual audit to verify the accuracy of the reports. In addition, quarterly reports must be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. D When a county or municipality enacts an ordinance pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 or 3-11-300 prohibiting gambling vessels, and a gambling vessel business operating as of January 1, 2005, would cease operation because of enforcement of this ordinance, then the county or municipality must allow the continued operation of the gambling vessel business for a period of five years from the effective date of the county or municipal ordinance. If, after the enactment of an ordinance pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 or 3-11-300 prohibiting gambling vessels, a county or municipality subsequently enacts an ordinance allowing gambling vessels and then enacts a later ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels and a gambling vessel business, the county or municipality must allow the continued operation of the gambling vessel business for a period of five years from the effective date of the county or municipal ordinance. The gambling vessel business must only operate in the same location with no more than the number of vessels that were operating as of January 1, 2005. The provisions of this subsection are also applicable to a county or municipal ordinance substantially described in Section 3-11-500 A. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Editor's Note 2005 Act No. Prior ordinances; text of ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels. A A county or municipal ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels enacted before the effective date of this chapter, to the extent that it is consistent with the provisions of this chapter, remains in full force and effect after the effective date of this chapter, and is considered as promulgated pursuant to the powers and authority delegated to pity, euro lottery casino All and municipalities by this chapter. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit, regulate, or otherwise apply to passenger cruise liners, as defined by Section 3-11-100 5 of the 1976 Code, nor does this ordinance apply to vessels described in Section 3-11-400 A of the 1976 Code. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit, regulate, or otherwise apply to passenger cruise liners, as defined by Section 3-11-100 5 of the 1976 Code, nor shall this ordinance apply to vessels described in Section 3-11-400 A of the 1976 Code. For the purposes of this ordinance, 'per passenger' is defined as casino boats south carolina total number of passengers allowed on a vessel pursuant to its United States Coast Guard certificate of documentation or equivalent foreign documentation. In addition, violations of this ordinance are subject to injunctive relief. HISTORY: 2005 Act No.
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CommentsCode of Laws - Title 3 - Chapter 11 - Gambling Cruise Act Your browser does not support JavaScript! This page will not render correctly. Gambling Cruise Act SECTION 3-11-100. For purposes of this chapter: 1 'Gambling vessel' means a boat, ship, casino boat, watercraft, or barge kept, operated, or maintained for the purpose of gambling, with one or more gaming establishments aboard, that carries or operates gambling devices for the use of its passengers or otherwise provides facilities casino boats south carolina the purpose of gambling, whether within or without the jurisdiction of this State, and whether it is anchored, berthed, lying to, or navigating, and the sailing, voyaging, or cruising, or any segment of the sailing, voyaging, or cruising begins and ends within this State. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Editor's Note 2005 Act No. It is the intent of the General Assembly to delegate to counties and municipalities of this State the authority to prohibit or regulate the operation of gambling vessels that are engaged in voyages that depart from the territorial waters of the State, sail into United States or international waters, and return to the territorial waters of the State without an intervening stop, but to exempt from county or municipal regulation passenger cruise liners, as defined in Section 3-11-100 5as contained in SECTION 2 of this act, because passenger cruise liners are vessels principally engaged in destination cruises and are not vessels used primarily for the operation of gambling. Delegation of power to regulate gambling vessels to counties and municipalities; exception. A Except as provided for in subsection Bthe General Assembly delegates to a county for the unincorporated areas of a county, and to a municipality for the municipality, the authority conferred to this State by the United States Congress pursuant to the Johnson Act, as amended, 15 U. Sections 1171 through 1177. The authority delegated herein includes the power to regulate or prohibit gambling aboard gambling vessels while such vessels are outside the territorial waters of the State, when such vessels embark or disembark passengers within their respective jurisdictions for voyages that depart from the territorial waters of the State, sail into United States or international waters, and return to the territorial waters of the State without an casino boats south carolina stop. B The General Assembly specifically retains and does not delegate to a county or municipality the authority to regulate or prohibit gambling on passenger cruise liners, as defined in this chapter, which is conferred to this State by the United States Congress pursuant to the Johnson Act, as amended, 15 U. Sections 1171 through 1177. C The authority delegated to a county or municipality under subsection A is delegated pursuant to Chapter 9 of Title 4 and Chapter 7 of Title 5, Code of Laws of South Carolina. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Penalties under ordinances adopted pursuant to Section 3-11-200. A county or municipality adopting an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-200 may assess only a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars per passenger for each violation, with an aggregate total in penalties not to exceed fifty thousand dollars per vessel for a twenty-four hour period. Additionally, a county or municipality may obtain injunctive relief against a person for violation of an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-200. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Grant of additional authority; vessels outside territorial waters of state; passenger cruise liner exception. A The authority delegated to a county or municipality pursuant to this section is granted pursuant to Chapter 9 of Title 4 and Chapter 7 of Title 5 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. This authority is separate from and in addition to the authority granted to a county or municipality pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 through 3-11-210, which authorize exercise of this state's Johnson Act authority pursuant to 15 U. Sections 1171 through 1177, except for passenger cruise liners. B Except as provided for in subsection Cthe General Assembly delegates to a county for the unincorporated areas of a county, and to a municipality for the municipality, the authority to regulate or prohibit gambling aboard gambling vessels while such vessels are outside the territorial waters of the State, when such vessels embark or disembark passengers within their respective jurisdictions for voyages that depart from the territorial waters of the State, sail into United States or international waters, and return to the territorial waters of the State without an intervening stop. C A county or municipality is prohibited from regulating or prohibiting gambling on passenger cruise liners, as defined in this chapter. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Penalties under ordinances adopted pursuant to Section 3-11-300. A county or municipality adopting an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-300 may assess only a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars per passenger for each violation, with an aggregate total in penalties not to exceed fifty thousand dollars per gambling vessel for a twenty-four hour period. Additionally, a county or municipality may obtain injunctive relief against a person for violation of an ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling vessels pursuant to Section 3-11-300. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Any county or municipal ordinance prohibiting or regulating gambling or gambling vessels pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 or 3-11-300 must not be construed to prohibit or regulate a passenger cruise liner from having gambling devices on board so long as there is no gambling allowed while the passenger cruise liner is within the territorial waters of the State. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Applicability to United States and foreign-flagged vessels; imposition and collection of surcharges on gambling vessel ticket sales; phasing out of gambling business following enactment of prohibiting ordinance. A This chapter does not apply to any gambling activity conducted on United States-flagged or foreign-flagged vessels during travel from a foreign nation or another state or possession of the United States up to the point of first entry into South Carolina waters or during travel to a foreign nation or another state or possession of the United States from the point of departure from South Carolina waters, provided that such vessels make intervening stops as defined in this chapter. Nothing herein precludes prosecution for any other offense that is unlawful. B The provisions of this chapter must not be construed to: 1 repeal or modify any other provision just click for source law relating to gambling, or any existing county or municipal ordinance regulating or prohibiting gambling or gambling vessels; 2 repeal or modify any law with regard to bingo or the operation of a device or machine pursuant to Section 12-21-2720 A 3 ; 3 allow casino boats south carolina permit gambling aboard any vessel, gambling vessel, or passenger cruise liner within the territorial waters of the State; 4 preclude prosecution for any other applicable gambling offense under state law; or 5 preclude prosecution for violations of 15 U. Sections 1172, 1173, 1174, or 1175, to the extent not otherwise prohibited by provisions of the South Carolina Constitution. C 1 For purposes of this section, 'gross proceeds' means the total amount wagered or otherwise paid, in cash or credit, by a passenger or user of a gambling device aboard a gambling vessel. The county or municipality is responsible for setting forth the procedures by which the proceeds are paid to the county or the municipality. The report must be delivered to the Department of Revenue on the twentieth day of the month for the preceding month, in a form and format determined by the department. If no gambling devices are used, the gambling vessel must report to the department that no gambling devices were used. The department must perform an annual audit to verify the accuracy of the reports. In addition, quarterly reports must be submitted to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. D When a county or municipality enacts an ordinance pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 or 3-11-300 prohibiting gambling vessels, and a gambling vessel business operating as of January 1, 2005, would cease operation because of enforcement of this ordinance, then the county or municipality must allow the continued operation of the gambling vessel business for a period of five years from the effective date of the county or municipal ordinance. If, after the enactment of an ordinance pursuant to Sections 3-11-200 or 3-11-300 prohibiting gambling vessels, a county or municipality subsequently enacts an ordinance allowing gambling vessels and then enacts a later ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels and a gambling vessel business, the county or municipality must allow the continued operation of the gambling vessel business for a period of five years from the effective date of the county or municipal ordinance. The gambling vessel business must only operate in the same location with no more than the number of vessels that were operating as of January 1, 2005. The provisions of this subsection are also applicable to a county or municipal ordinance substantially described in Section 3-11-500 A. HISTORY: 2005 Act No. Editor's Note 2005 Act No. Prior ordinances; casino boats south carolina of ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels. A A county or municipal ordinance prohibiting gambling vessels enacted before the effective date of this chapter, to the extent that it is consistent with the provisions of this chapter, remains in full force and effect after the effective date of this chapter, and is considered as promulgated pursuant to the powers and authority delegated to counties and municipalities by this chapter. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit, regulate, or otherwise apply to passenger cruise liners, as defined by Section 3-11-100 5 of the 1976 Code, nor does this ordinance apply to vessels described in Section 3-11-400 A of the 1976 Code. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit, check this out, or otherwise apply to passenger cruise liners, as defined by Section 3-11-100 5 of the 1976 Code, nor shall this ordinance apply to vessels described in Section 3-11-400 A of the 1976 Code. For the purposes of this ordinance, 'per casino boats south carolina is defined as the total number of passengers allowed on a vessel pursuant to its United States Coast Guard certificate of documentation or equivalent foreign documentation. In addition, violations of this ordinance are subject to injunctive relief. HISTORY: 2005 Act No.
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CommentsTake a look at some of our favorite accommodations articles from the MyrtleBeach. Vacationers ages 21 and up can take a break from the sun and set sail on an entertaining gambling cruise that features many games, a buffet, and, of course, tons of fun! The two ships both offer day and evening cruises so that you can fit a fun gambling trip into your busy vacation schedule. Both ships offer optional all-you-can-eat buffets for an additional price. Both gambling boats also have pizza by the slice an hour after the buffet closes on evening cruises, and hot dogs and deli sandwiches are also available on the top deck of both ships during all cruises. While you play and eat, you can casino boats south carolina enjoy live entertainment on select cruises while headed out to sea and on the way back to variant gala casino bristol ukipta apologise />Big M Casino Set sail on South Carolina's only casino cruise with Big M Casino! Big M Casino offers Ship I for smoke-free gambling, as well as Ship II for a smoking-optional experience. Have fun playing Las Vegas style games like Roulette, 3 Card Poker, Craps, Blackjack, Let It Ride, Slots, and much more! Of course, if you get hungry, you can always indulge in the all-you-can-eat buffet before trying your luck at more games. SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE Be the first to Leave A Review! Tell other visitors casino boats south carolina you thought below: Get Your Deals Delivered! Sign-up for our exclusive eDeals newsletter and receive the beach's best hotel deals, attractions coupons and discounts in your inbox! With more than 10 million visitors per year, we aim to provide users with the most comprehensive vacation planning guide for the Myrtle Beach area with more than 1,000 hotels, restaurants and attractions.
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